Dr Krishn Bala

Dr Krishn Bala

General Practitioner, Male, MBBS, FRACGP, MRACGP, FAFOM

Company name: Sootcha # 148 pty ltd
ABN: 44 003 430 653

Address: Suite 8, 52 Hill Rd. Lurnea NSW 2170
Contact phone: 8711 1805 / 9607 7800

About Dr Krishn Bala

Speaks English, and Tamil

Dr Bala is an experienced GP with 50 years of experience. Dr Bala served many years as an Army doctor covering various part of Australia. Dr Bala enjoys high quality medical care for chronic disease, occupational medicine, skin cancer and minor surgery.

Dr Bala also holds a fellowship in Occupational Medicine.


Areas of interest:

  • Chronic disease
  • Occupational health
  • Skin cancer

Dr Krishn Bala is a tenant doctor and share office room and facility with Lurnea Medical Precinct.  Dr Krishn Bala manages his own surgery and business operation independent to the medical centre.

My Surgery Hours

Monday: 8.15am – 4.45pm
Tuesday: OFF
Wednesday: OFF
Thursday: OFF
Friday: OFF

Fees 30/6/2024 to 1/11/2024

Gap fee Medicare Total
Level B (6-19 minutes) $30 $41.20 $71.20
Level C (20-39 minutes) $30 $ 79.70 $109.70
Level D (40+ minutes) $30 $117.70 $147.70


Please Note:

  • Aged pensioners, HCC holders, and children under 16 years old are bulk-billed
  • All Excisions and procedures attract a gap fee $50 for all patients
  • Fee will be revised on 1/11/2024

I am an independent GP. I share facility with Lurnea Medical Precinct as a tenant GP